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Hope Baptist Church, Toledo OH

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Dear Father,

I thank You for the welcome video shared by Pastor Rick Sowell on the website of Hope Baptist Church of Toledo, OH.

Rick says in the video:

The more that life changes the more important it is that we have something that provides stability to us and that’s what the word of God does.  It gives us old answers that apply to every situation even in the life we live today keeps us on course gives us the direction we need to go.

Father, for those who love Your Word, is there anything better than a testimony that shares the power of Your Word to change lives?  If the Word has given us stability, we need to share it with others.  If the Word gives us answers to every situation in life, we need to share how it has with others.  If Your Word keeps us on course and gives us the direction we need to go, we need to share it with others.  Father, may all believers, at Hope Baptist Church of Toledo, and across the US, who credit Your Word for changing their lives, share their stories on their church’s website.

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