Legacy Christian Church, Allentown PA

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Legacy Christian Church, Allentown PA

Dear Father,

Welcome to a place where your story matters…

That’s the words that greet a visitor to the Legacy Christian Church of Allentown PA website!  In addition, they write:

Story. We relentlessly seek intimacy with God through the study of His Story (the Bible). We share our individual stories to give an account of what God has done in our lives. (Psalm 119:97; Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8)

Father, I know You are moving across churches in America, encouraging church leaders to share Your stories, the stories of how You change people’s lives.  It’s not a mere coincidence that the language on so many church websites compliments the sharing of testimonies with our hurting neighbors.

I thank You that this church has roots in a local bar!  Where people need You!  I thank You that Your stories is such an emphasis on their website.  I ask that You create more and more testimonies in this church.  Raise up people with the courage to publish their stories on the church website, so that people in Allentown searching the Internet for hope can find them.

In Jesus name,
