Lancaster Evangelical Free Church of Lancaster, PA

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Lancaster Evangelical Free Church of Lancaster, PA

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Dear Father,

Lancaster Evangelical Free Church of Lancaster, PA writes on their website:

LEFC’s vision is to be a church that…goes together into our worlds with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Father, the “good news” is not simply that Your Son came into the world to atone for our sins.  The good news is also that Your Son came into the world to rescue Peter, Sarah, Dave, Emily, Dan, and Jennifer and every other individual who places their faith in Him.  The good news is deeply personal, an encounter people with all kinds of backgrounds have experienced with a loving God.

I ask that You will create more and more testimonies at LEFC.  I ask that You encourage people within the church to share their testimonies on the front page of the website.  I thank You for the video testimonies that are already on the church website.  May Your blessing be on this church for their desire to tell their stories.

In Jesus name,
