City Lights Church, Scranton PA

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City Lights Church, Scranton PA

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Dear Father,

I thank You for the dedication to blogging of the folks at City Lights Church of Scranton PA.

Ben Hailstone writes in the February 16, 2016 article “We Have Been Chosen“:

We need to walk in the reality of what He sees us as. If we keep thinking we are sinners we will keep sinning. Yes, we were once children of wrath; we were dead in our trespasses, but by the grace and mercy of God we are made alive. Let’s start walking in the reality that we have been called and chosen to be holy and blameless.

I was talking about testimonies a few weeks ago with a pastor friend of mine.  He expressed his belief that the joy of testimonies is not simply what we have been saved from.  It is who has saved us!  It is the joy of the freedom and grace that Christ has given to us.  Ben’s article reminds me of that conversation.  Believers need to share about the transition they have experienced in their lives – from sorrow to joy, from darkness to light, from despair to hope.  We are forgiven, considered blameless now before You – because of Your Son.  A testimony is a celebration!

Father, I pray for You to create more testimonies at City Lights Church.  I pray You will encourage members of the congregation to share their stories with one another and then with the people of Scranton.

In Jesus name,
