Tag Archives: norristown pa

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CBC Norristown, PA

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Dear Father,

What an absolute pleasure to speak with Karen from Calvary Baptist Church today.  What a cheerful woman!

As I listened to her speak about prayer requests at the church, I was saying to myself “Yes!”  The church was praying for their outreach to the needy in the community.  Lord, I ask for abundant blessings on their soup kitchen!  I pray that not only will people be nourished with the delicious food served but they will also be nourished and refreshed with Your love.  Change lives, Lord!  Create amazing stories of transformation with their soup kitchen ministry!  Then lead people to share their stories so others will find hope!  I pray You will meet every need of that soup kitchen.  I also pray that I can have the opportunity to volunteer one day in the soup kitchen and then share my experience here on Gramazin.

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