Tag Archives: chesterfield mo

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Chesterfield Presbyterian Church, Chesterfield MO

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Dear Father,

I thank You for the work You are doing at Chesterfield Presbyterian Church of Chesterfield MO.

They write on their home page:

God provides all we need for life and relationship with Him…God blesses us to be part of a family—in relationship with Him and with others…God gifts us and calls us to take part in helping to push back the effects of the Fall and to be used by God to build His Kingdom.

Father, this is another call for testimonies.  A testimony is evidence that You provide all we need for life and relationship with You.  A testimony is evidence that You work through the family of believers.  A testimony is evidence that people, from all walks of life and with all kinds of baggage, can be used by You to push back the effects of the Fall.

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Windsor Crossing Community Church, Chesterfield MO

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Dear Father,

I thank You for what You are doing at Windsor Crossing Community Church, Chesterfield MO.  They write on their website:

By using unconventional teaching methods and various art mediums and technology, The Crossing creates experiences rooted in scripture that are both culturally relevant and deeply personal.

Father, another definition of a shared testimony online!  Testimonies published on the home page of a church website is unconventional.  It is a method of teaching about You.  It is technology.  The testimonies, rooted in scripture, can be very culturally relevant and deeply personal to people going through various crises in the local community.  I pray that You will lead churches across America to publish testimonies on their websites.

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First Baptist Church, Chesterfield MO

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Dear Father,

A testimony can be an opportunity for someone to discover what You have in store for them.  If someone is going through financial hardship, the testimony of how You have helped other people going through financial hardship can give assurance that You will do the same for them.

First Baptist Church of Chesterfield MO writes on their website:

Our doors and our hearts are always open and our purpose is steadfast.

Father, I thank You for their commitment!

I ask that You write more and more testimonies in this church.  Move people in the congregation to share their stories on the website, allowing people who are searching for hope in Chesterfield to find the open hearts of FBCC.  I ask for blessings this very day on their radio ministry, that You answer a prayer that they have been lifting up to You for the ministry.

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