CrossBridge Church, Lincoln NE

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CrossBridge Church, Lincoln NE

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Dear Father,

I thank You so much for the blog article written by Joey entitled Welcome or Wanted on the website of CrossBridge Church of Lincoln, Nebraska.  By the wonders of the Internet, I was able to read this article written in 2014.

Father, I loved the analogy Joey wrote of how guests to a church should be treated like guests are treated in our own homes.  I pray Your blessings on this article and that churches across the nation will be more welcoming of any visitors who walk through their doors.

Father, a home is filled with mementos, photographs, and heirlooms.  A home is a story of human lives.  A home is a testimony of what the people who live there have experienced in their life.  I’d like to add a little to Joey’s analogy and say that a guest to church should see the stories of those who call the church home.  Who are the people who live in this church?  What have they experienced in their lives?  What are their key memories?  Father, testimonies published on church websites are like the treasured photos in a home.

Please encourage leaders in churches across America to encourage their congregations to share their testimonies and truly make a visit to a church feel like a visit to a loving and comfortable home.

In Jesus name,
